Embrace silence since meditation is the only way to truly come to know your Source. ~ Wayne Dyer
January 15th Daily Meditation Moment
Eventually, meditation will make our mind calm, clear, and as concentrated as a laser which we can focus at will. This capacity of one-pointed attention is the essence of genius. When we have this mastery over attention in everything we do, we have a genius for life itself: unshakable security, clear judgment, and deep personal relationships.~ Eknath Easwaran
December 15th Daily Meditation Moment
In meditation we are continuously discovering who and what we are.
~ Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
October 24th Daily Meditation Moment
Meditation is not a selfish thing. Even though you’re diving in and experiencing the Self, you’re not closing yourself off from the world. You’re strengthening yourself, so that you can be more effective when you go back into the world.
David Lynch
September 12th Daily Meditation Moment
Meditation can give you that which nothing else can give you. It introduces you to yourself. ~ Swami Rama