Meditation is listening to the Divine within. ~ Edgar Cayce
October 25th Daily Meditation Moment
Meditation elevates the soul from the body, mind, and intellect to absolute peace and bliss. In meditation, you achieve a balance state of mind, self-confidence, and control the emotions. ~ Amma
October 20th Daily Meditation Moment
Plant the seed of meditation and reap the fruit of peace of mind. ~ Remez Sasson
October 5th Daily Meditation Moment
Meditation is acceptance. It is the acceptance of life within us, without us and all around us. Acceptance of life is the beginning of human satisfaction. Transformation of life is the culmination of divine satisfaction. ~ Shri Chinmoy
September 2nd Daily Meditation Moment
Learn and practice meditation regularly. Learn the silence meditation and chant the Mantra day and night. This is the only way to peace and blessedness. ~ Amma