Steadfastness means you hold onto God’s love no matter what is happening in your life. You fasten your mind to God’s love, to the Truth. You fasten your mind to the divine energy, to kundalini shakti, the great force. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
May 19th Daily Meditation Moment
The Supreme Self, the still center of your own being, holds you together when everything else is falling aparat. Good and bad swirl around it like children swinging around a maypole, but the center holds fast. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
May 13th Daily Meditation Moment
Once you experience the inner silence you never feel empty, because in the inner silence you can hear the stars speak, you can hear the voice of the water, you can hear the voice of the great Self. You hear and you understand. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasanada
May 4th Daily Meditation Moment
Making the right effort means that every thought you have must be examined. Every feeling must be contemplated. Every intention, every heartfelt desire must be reflected upon. Everything about you must be burned in the fire of knowledge, atma-jnana, the knowledge of the Self. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
April 19th Daily Meditation Moment
Steadfastness…is the process of releasing inner nectar, and it is born out of spiritual practices. Spiritual practice is what makes steadfastness come alive. ~ Gurumayi