January 1st Daily Meditation Moment

There has never been a time when you and I have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will cease to exist. As the same person inhabits the body through childhood, youth, and old age, so too at the time of death he attains another body. The wise are not deluded by these changes. ~ Bhagavad Gita

December 31st Daily Meditation Moment

I dwell in possibility. ~

Emily Dickinson

December 30th Daily Meditation Moment

You can have a grievance or a miracle, you cannot have both. ~ Marianne Williamson

December 29th Daily Meditation Moment

Since everything is made of consciousness alone, there is nothing in creation that is not myself. ~


December 28th Daily Meditation Moment

When you trust in yourself, you trust in the wisdom that created you. ~

Wayne Dyer

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