Truly appreciate the miracle that you are. The fact that you are alive. . . . that you are here right now in this marvelous dream. Make an effort to begin focusing on what you have, rather than on what you are missing. … While you are focused on the miracle that you are and all that surrounds you, you cannot be focused on what you are not, and what seems missing from your world. ~ Wayne Dyer
November 7th Daily Meditation Moment
November 7, 2020 by
My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I used to be. ~ Wayne Dyer
September 22nd Daily Meditation Moment
September 22, 2020 by
Manifesting is not about attracting what you want. Manifesting is an awareness and an understanding that you attract what you are. ~ Wayne Dyer
August 15th Daily Meditation Moment
August 15, 2020 by
Make the commitment to live joyfully in the moment. Stop dreaming about the future and get back to the only thing any of us have: now. ~ Wayne Dyer
July 30th Daily Meditation Moment
July 30, 2020 by
You become what you think about all day long and those days eventually become your lifetime. ~ Wayne Dyer