March 2nd Daily Meditation Moment

In meditation, you find your own way of knowing and experiencing the truth of your own heart. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

January 31st Daily Meditation Moment

When the mind dissolves in the Truth, then you can see beyond the barriers of the ego….Your heart becomes generous, vast, and then you experience …unconditional love all the time. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

November 12th Daily Meditation Moment

When we are lost in delusion, it’s hard to see even the most obvious truths. ~ Jack Kornfield

November 9th Daily Meditation Moment

When we know the truth, we become people who don’t have to think much, we become people with wisdom. If we don’t know, we have more thinking than wisdom or no wisdom at all. A lot of thinking without wisdom is extreme suffering. ~ Ajahn Chah

October 10th Daily Meditation Moment

That which you yearn for, that which you hunger for, is that which is always present. You are free to discover yourself as truth. You are free to be who you truly are. ~ Gangaji

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