May 29th Daily Meditation Moment

Mindfulness is the intentional process of paying attention, without judgment, to the unfolding of moment-by-moment experience. ~ Tara Brach

April 15th Daily Meditation Moment

Each time you meet an old emotional pattern with presence, your awakening to truth can deepen. There’s less identification with the self in the story and more ability to rest in the awareness that is witnessing what’s happening. You become more able to abide in compassion, to remember and trust your true home. Rather than cycling repetitively through old conditioning, you are actually spiraling toward freedom. ~ Tara Brach

March 13th Daily Meditation Moment

But this revolutionary act of treating ourselves tenderly can begin to undo the aversive messages of a lifetime. ~ Tara Brach

February 15th Daily Meditation Moment

Awakening self-compassion is often the greatest challenge people face on the spiritual path. ~ Tara Brach

January 23rd Daily Meditation Moment

Attention is the most basic form of love. By paying attention we let ourselves be touched by life , and our hearts naturally become more open and engaged. ~ Tara Brach

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