Once we plunge into the inner space, we discover the source of enthusiasm, and we are re-energized. Therefore, it is important that we turn to our innermost reality…the inner Self, the true Self, because That is perfect, self-propelling, and self-luminous. ~ Swami Muktananda
February 27th Daily Meditation Moment
He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye. ~ Buddha
October 10th Daily Meditation Moment
That which you yearn for, that which you hunger for, is that which is always present. You are free to discover yourself as truth. You are free to be who you truly are. ~ Gangaji
September 25th Daily Meditation Moment
We use something genuine to drive out impostors that have roamed about largely through our neglect and helplessness. We move closer and closer to our divine Self, because these impostors, resentment and ill will, are no longer coming between us. ~ Eknath Easwaran
September 21st Daily Meditation Moment
Observe silence—so that you can experience the Self, so that you can abide in the Self, so that you can see the face of God and know God, so that you can experience that great love. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda