Rather than being disheartened by the uncertainty of life, what if we accepted it and relaxed into it? What if we said, “ Yes, this is the way it is; this is what it means to be human,” and decided to sit down and enjoy the ride? ~
Pema Chodron
Specializing in Energetic Clearing & Spiritual Healing
Rather than being disheartened by the uncertainty of life, what if we accepted it and relaxed into it? What if we said, “ Yes, this is the way it is; this is what it means to be human,” and decided to sit down and enjoy the ride? ~
Pema Chodron
Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. ~ Pema Chodron
In the moment that we choose to abide with the energy instead of acting it out or repressing it, we are training in equanimity, in thinking bigger than right and wrong. ~ Pema Chodron
Deep down in the human spirit there is a reservoir of courage. It is always available, always waiting to be discovered. ~ Pema Chodron
Be kinder to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world. ~ Pema Chodron
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