March 2nd Daily Meditation Moment

In meditation, you find your own way of knowing and experiencing the truth of your own heart. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

February 7th Daily Meditation Moment

One hour’s meditation on the work of the Creator is better than seventy years of prayer. ~ Muhammad

January 18th Daily Meditation Moment

Don’t think the purpose of meditation is to go deep into consciousness, wrap a blanket around yourself, and say, “How cozy! I’m going to curl up in here by myself; let the world burn.” Not at all. We go deep into meditation so that we can reach out farther and farther to the world outside. ~ Eknath Easwaren

January 16th Daily Meditation Moment

Meditate on that one who is always meditating on you, on the one who is constantly aware of what is passing through the mind. ~ Swami Muktananada

January 8th Daily Meditation Moment

If you can become a mirror you have become a meditator. Meditation is nothing but skill in mirroring. And now, no word moves inside you so there is no distraction. ~ Osho

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