What’s so special about your birthday?

Your birthday is a very auspicious day. It is a celebration of  the day you arrived on the planet and it is much more. Each year around the time of your birth, Nature is very supportive of you. It is an excellent opportunity to make a wish, so to speak, and shift into another level of awareness and perception.  Nature is always supporting your movement on the path while honoring your free will. Your birthday is an incredible time to move ahead in all aspects of your life. The nine days leading up to your birthday and then the actual day of your birth are a time of the year when your higher Self is closer to you then any other point in your annual trip around the sun.

You are always connected to your higher Self but around your birthday the connection is extra strong, extra clear. It is easier to hear the messages from your higher Self. It is easier to understand the unfoldment of your dharma (life’s purpose). All of Nature is lining up to fulfill your greatest wish at this time.

This is a great opportunity to let go of patterns or beliefs  that are holding you back while making great strides in fulfilling your personal dharma.

I personally have been aware of great shifts and huge strides in my inner understanding and vision around my birthday for the last few years. The nine days before my birthday November 3rd – 11th so much is being cleared away and purified. Then I awake the day before my birthday with a greater understanding of how the universe works, and what my place is in it. On my actually birthday I feel as if I have been born again or “woke up” to another level of reality. It has an incredible experience and I am really looking forward to it again this year.

I highly recommend doing an Intuitive Healing Process session during this window of opportunity around your birth. And if your birthday isn’t coming up soon or you just want the added “juice”, I’d consider doing one around my birth which is November 12th.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

An Upgrade in Tools

Late September and into early October 2010 has brought an energetic shift in Nature and Mother Earth allowing new tools for healing and transformation to be accessed.

I have been watching it unfold in my weekly Intuitive Healing Process sessions. It’s not just an upgrade in the IHprocess, which has been happening but new tools that are making things move quicker, resolve faster and result in a deeper healing, a more permanent resolution in physical reality.

Instead of just doing a clearing in one session and then waiting until the next session to do a healing all of the eight processes that make up Intuitive Healing Process are happening simultaneously.

New tools are coming in that are enlivening those areas that were blocked and raising them to a new energetic vibration. New tools are coming in to increase perception and awareness so that negativity has no place to hide.

With this new shift in perspective we are able to work on all the energetic beings you’ve created as well as you such as your business, your marriage, your kids etc.

The result of the upgrades and the new tools is that more and more is being resolved. More issues and patterns and blocks and garbage is being cleared out. This leaves the client feeling lighter and free- er. Calmer and Happier. More at Peace. Plus stuff is starting to move in physical reality. The right job is showing up, more financial prosperity is pouring into existing businesses, health issues are dissolved.

It is truly a wonderful time to be doing this work. Nature is supporting you and this work being done right now. If you are feeling stuck, blocked or sick now is the time to clear those deep underlying, unconscious patterns that are holding you. Now is the time to move forward.

New Beginnings

May 10th 2010 at 10:30amPDT marks the start of a new beginning for me, The Yoga Spot, Intuitive Healing Process, Suddhi Yoga and Yoga Everywhere  You Go. This re-start is necessary because the original start date was a very weak date according to my jyotish chart and has made things more difficult than need be. I am very excited to be starting on this new project that includes new websites, downloadable yoga, cd’s, dvd’s, ebooks, books, webinars, workshops, a new physical space and many other new and exciting tools to help people return to natural alignment and ultimately to the Self.

While May 10th is a personal date for me, a more universal auspicious start date called Akshaya Tritiya falls on May 16th this year. Akshaya Tritiya is a good day to begin new projects. The word Akshaya means ‘that which never diminishes’ and the day is ideal for beginning new ventures.

If you have a chance to think of us at 10:30pmPDT today it is greatly appreciated. I look forward to updating you on all the new and exciting ventures as we move forward.

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