As we chant this Om sound, daily, hundred times, or for one hour in silent meditation, gradually, the impurities in the heart will be dispelled, and you will realize who you are, the immortal self, one with God.~Amma
July 21st Daily Meditation Moment
July 21, 2021 by
God is silent. Everything comes out of silence. ~Mother Meera
July 19th Daily Meditation Moment
July 19, 2021 by
When you listen to a beautiful sound and you become still, that stillness is the sound of God… Whenever the mind becomes still and detached, you experience God. ~Swami Muktananda
July 2nd Daily Meditation Moment
July 2, 2021 by
A real seeker of God with his silence, wherever he may be, he sends the vibrations of his peace and love to this universe. It is enough. ~Amma
June 29th Daily Meditation Moment
June 29, 2021 by
When you become aware of silence, you are surrendering your small will to God’s will, the great Will. Your heart becomes full of humility, patience, and steadfastness. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda