As long as we identify with the body and the mind we bob around on the surface level of consciousness, chasing after the fleeting attractions of life outside us.~Eknath Easwaren
July 24th Daily Meditation Moment
In theory we would like our mind to listen to us obediently, but in fact it will not – chiefly because we have never taught it how. ~Eknath Easwaren
July 11th Daily Meditation Moment
By virtue of being human, all of us have the capacity to choose, to change, to grow. ~Eknath Easwaren
June 17th Daily Meditation Moment
The unity underlying life is so complete and pervasive that when we inflict suffering on the smallest creature, we injure the whole. ~ Eknath Easwaren
June 3rd Daily Meditation Moment
We have been so conditioned to search for happiness in sense pleasure that defying these urges appears to be a denial of life itself. Actually the opposite is true. As we progress on the spiritual path, our vision begins to clear and our passions begin to come under our control, and we discover that we have been pursuing agitation instead of joy, and accumulation instead of security. ~ Eknath Easwaren