January 4th Daily Meditation Moment

We are made in the image of God. The image is there, but we need to put in the work to reveal it. Whenever I hear someone say, “This is just the way I am; I’ve got to learn to live with it,” I want to plead, “Don’t ever say that!” The miracle of human existence is that we can change. Simply by virtue of being human, we have the capacity to change ourselves completely. ~ Eknath Easwaren

January 3rd Daily Meditation Moment

If we believe that happiness arises only when some external condition is fulfilled, we consign ourselves to a perpetual state of discontent. For even when our expectations are fulfilled, sooner or later the little voice inside starts again, “More! More!” It is this habit, this almost mechanical fixation of the mind, that keeps us forever chasing rainbows, until at last we begin to suspect that the kingdom of heaven is within. ~ Eknath Easwaren

October 28th Daily Meditation Moment

For we can change all these things. We do not have to accept ourselves as we are. Genetic code or brain biochemistry, astrological configurations or Tarot readings, early traumas or upbringing – none of these things can ever limit our potential. ~ Eknath Easwaren

September 10th Daily Meditation Moment

By changing the very mode of our thinking, we can remake ourselves completely. ~ Eknath Easwaren

August 31st Daily Meditation Moment

When selfish desire is removed from a relationship, there is no hankering to get anything from the other person. We are free to give, which means we are free to love. Then we can give and support and strengthen without reservation. ~ Eknath Easwaren

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