March 25th Daily Meditation Moment

Every moment is unique and discrete. When our concentration is complete, we rest completely in the present. Then we do not live in time, we live in eternity. ~ Eknath Easwaran

March 4th Daily Meditation Moment

Once we realize at a deeper level of consciousness that we are not our opinions, most of the resentment in differences of opinion disappears. There is nothing wrong with disagreement; in fact, sometimes it is necessary to disagree. But we should do so with complete respect for the other person. — Eknath Easwaran

February 21st Daily Meditation Moment

It is the same in meditation. We shouldn’t look forward to the day when we plant our flag on the mountain peak and then retire to a life of tedious leisure. Every time we reach a peak, we will feel a legitimate sense of satisfaction; but at the same time a new and more glorious mountain will probably be beckoning us from the far horizon. That is the glory of living. That is the joy of the spiritual ascent. Eknath Easwaran

February 7th Daily Meditation Moment

Only by living for something that lasts, something real – rather than for passing pleasure and profit – can we achieve the lasting fulfillment, the limitless capacity to love, that is our birthright. ~ Eknath Easwaran

January 15th Daily Meditation Moment

Eventually, meditation will make our mind calm, clear, and as concentrated as a laser which we can focus at will. This capacity of one-pointed attention is the essence of genius. When we have this mastery over attention in everything we do, we have a genius for life itself: unshakable security, clear judgment, and deep personal relationships.~ Eknath Easwaran

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