Your energy and your attention are your most valuable forms of currency. Spend them wisely. ~
Russ Kyle
Specializing in Energetic Clearing & Spiritual Healing
Your energy and your attention are your most valuable forms of currency. Spend them wisely. ~
Russ Kyle
The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing. ~ Jon Kabat-Zinn
To give your positive or negative attention to something is a way of giving energy. The most damaging form of behavior is withholding your attention. ~ Masaru Emoto
The difference between misery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention. ~ Sharon Salzberg
By giving full attention to one thing at a time, we can learn to direct attention where we choose. Simple, yet essential to the practice of love! Being one-pointed means we can give the person we are with our complete attention, even if she is contradicting our opinion on tax reform or explaining the peculiarities of French grammar. Once we can do this, boredom disappears from our relationships. People are not boring; we get bored because our attention wanders. When we can give someone our full attention, our attitude says clearly, “You matter to me. You have my respect.“ ~ Eckhart Tolle
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