August 3rd Daily Meditation Moment

You cannot be happy unless you are serving the truth of your being, however that service looks. ~ Gangaji

June 7th Daily Meditation Moment

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. ~ Henry David Thoreau

May 23rd Daily Meditation Moment

Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth. ~ Pema Chodron

May 4th Daily Meditation Moment

There is no truth except the truth that exists within you. Everything else is what someone is telling you. ~ Neale Donald Walsh

May 2nd Daily Meditation Moment

The light of the truth gives particular offense to certain peoples who are accustomed to darkness. Offering them light is like introducing a ray of sunshine into a nest of owls; it only serves to hurt their eyes and make them squawk… ~ Denis Diderot

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