April 25th Daily Meditation Moment

When you listen to a beautiful sound and you become still, that stillnes is the sound of God… Whenever the mind becomes still and detached, you experience God. ~

Swami Muktananda

March 14th Daily Meditation Moment

Love your mind. The mind is the friend you leads you by its reslessness to search for God. The mind is the instrument by which you detect the inner world. ~

Swami Muktananda

February 19th Daily Meditation Moment

When you begin your practice of the mantra, it is just a practice. After realization, you discover that mantra repetition is itself the attainment. ~

Swami Muktananda

January 19th Daily Meditation Moment

If the mind stops roving outside and begins to roam in the heart, it goes deeper and becomes completely still in the experience of God. This is the true silence. ~

Swami Muktananda

December 4th Daily Meditation Moment

Meditation stills the wandering mind and establishes us forever in a state of peace. — Swami Muktananda

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