Give freely…If after giving, you forget about it, then that gift grows fully. ~ Swami Muktananda
October 9th Daily Meditation Moment
The love that pulses in the cave of the heart does not depend on anything outside. It is completely independent… —
Swami Muktananda
September 25th Daily Meditation Moment
Silence is the best way of honoring other people.
Swami Muktananda
August 26th Daily Meditation Moment
One has to work diligently for a long period of time to stabilize what he has attained. Therefore, continue to practice steadfastly for a prolonged period, and that way attainment will become permanent.
~ Swami Muktananda
August 12th Daily Meditation Moment
A person should be very strong about his purpose, his destination. He should be completely determined. And he should be enthusiastic while putting forth his own self effort. He should think: “I will do it. I will complete it. I am going to make it.”
~ Swami Muktananda