January 16th Daily Meditation Moment

To open your mind to the silence
that is the source of your mind,
is to open to your true self.
Conscious silence is already open.
You are already open.
~ Gangaji

January 11th Daily Meditation Moment

Real action is in silent moments. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

January 4th Daily Meditation Moment

Silence is the root of awareness. Compassion and righteousness arise from silence. ~ Swami Muktananda

November 19th Daily Meditation Moment

Silence is the reservoir of our wellness, the reflection of a contented heart. Have you practised Silence lately? ~ Mother Maya

September 21st Daily Meditation Moment

Observe silence—so that you can experience the Self, so that you can abide in the Self, so that you can see the face of God and know God, so that you can experience that great love. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

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