Let silence be the art you practice. ~
Jalaluddin Rumi
Specializing in Energetic Clearing & Spiritual Healing
Let silence be the art you practice. ~
Jalaluddin Rumi
Feel the silence right now. You can feel it. Its a thing of beauty. You know when you’re getting into the true silence. You begin to become happier and happier and happier for no reason. It makes no difference what’s going on in the world. The world is in one place and you’re in another place. In the deep silence you are identifying with the substratum of creation. Always remember to go into the silence. A sage is always in the silence. A sage may be talking, listening, partaking of activities but to the sage there is only silence. ~ Robert Adams
If the mind stops roving outside and begins to roam in the heart, it goes deeper and becomes completely still in the experience of God. This is the true silence. ~
Swami Muktananda
All this talk and turmoil and noise and movement and desire is outside the veil; inside the veil is silence and calm and peace. ~
Abu Yazid Al-Bistami
Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation. ~ Rumi
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