There is no temple other than the human body. There is no God other than the inner Self. ~ Swami Muktananda
January 5th Daily Meditation Moment
There is really nothing you have to do, there is nothing you need, there is no place you have to go, there is no special book you have to read, there is no special teacher you have to see, this is between you and yourself. ~ Robert Adams
May 30th Daily Meditation Moment
To know others, you do not have to go and knock on four billion separate doors. Once you have seen your real Self, you have seen the Self in all. It makes it easy to understand and to forgive, and very difficult to quarrel. All of life springs from the same root. The Self in each of us is one and the same. ~ Eknath Easwaran
June 27th Daily Meditation Moment
Meditation is turning your mind and sense, which continually wander in the outer world, toward the inner Self. ~
Swami Muktananda
February 12th Daily Meditation Moment
For the experience of the great energy, the great Self, you must turn your gaze inward. That which you are looking for is beckoning to you from within. ~
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda