February 17th Daily Meditation Moment

Within you is the light of a thousand suns. Within you is unimaginable beauty. ~ Robert Adams

January 5th Daily Meditation Moment

There is really nothing you have to do, there is nothing you need, there is no place you have to go, there is no special book you have to read, there is no special teacher you have to see, this is between you and yourself. ~ Robert Adams

May 29th Daily Meditation Moment

You look at the movie and you see all kinds of dastardly things going on. But then you catch yourself and you say, “It’s only a movie! It’s not the truth” And so it is with life. You observe everything that’s going on in life, you watch, you look, you see. Yet you never react. You’re never for or against. You understand, and this makes you free. ~

Robert Adams

February 3rd Daily Meditation Moment

Feel the silence right now. You can feel it. Its a thing of beauty. You know when you’re getting into the true silence. You begin to become happier and happier and happier for no reason. It makes no difference what’s going on in the world. The world is in one place and you’re in another place. In the deep silence you are identifying with the substratum of creation. Always remember to go into the silence. A sage is always in the silence. A sage may be talking, listening, partaking of activities but to the sage there is only silence. ~ Robert Adams

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