February 26th Daily Meditation Moment

Love is arrived at only when the doer chooses the right actions of self-honesty, sharing, acceptance and endurance within each situation. When these protocols are neglected, love is inevitably impaired and diffused into expectations. ~ Mother Maya

January 26th Daily Meditation Moment

It is only our right actions that animate love and our wrong actions that bring infelicity. Relationships are the lesson grounds given to us to improve our practice. ~ Mother Maya

January 11th Daily Meditation Moment

For love to exist in any situation, the elements of self-honesty, sharing, acceptance, and endurance need to be present. ~ Mother Maya

July 31st Daily Meditation Moment

Devotion is both the joyous acceptance of the good results and the recognition of the poor results as lessons to be learned. ~ Mother Maya

December 25th Daily Meditation Moment

Love permeates the heart like the constant sun illuminates the earth. ~ Mother Maya

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