February 18th Daily Meditation Moment

Understanding is the other name of love. ~

Thich Nhat Hanh

February 15th Daily Meditation Moment

Personal freedom comes from embodying intent, love, and gratitude… this is the mastery of life. ~

Miguel Ruiz

February 1st Daily Meditation Moment

When we put our collective energy on what we are for, bringing kindness and love to bear on our differences of opinions, the need to resist ends. ~

Wayne Dyer

January 9th Daily Meditation Moment

Be Generous often. Radiate Peace and Love. Live Joyfully in the Moment. Expect Miracles. Cultivate Compassion. Maintain gratitude and Awe. Choose to be Happy. ~

Wayne Dyer

November 25th Daily Meditation Moment

Don’t look at your form, however ugly or beautiful. Look at love and at the aim of your quest…O you whose lips are parched, keep looking for water. Those parched lips are proof that eventually you will reach the source. ~ Rumi

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