March 1st Daily Meditation Moment

Dive deep, O mind, dive deep In the ocean of God’s beauty; If you descend to the uttermost depths, There you will find the gem of love. ~ Bengali Hymn

February 26th Daily Meditation Moment

Love is arrived at only when the doer chooses the right actions of self-honesty, sharing, acceptance and endurance within each situation. When these protocols are neglected, love is inevitably impaired and diffused into expectations. ~ Mother Maya

February 12th Daily Meditation Moment

You want a love which is born out of meditation, not born out of the mind. ~ Oso

February 9th Daily Meditation Moment

I must admit it in all humility, that however indifferently it may be, I endeavor to represent love in every fiber of my being. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

February 8th Daily Meditation Moment

Allow your love to nourish yourself as well as others. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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