Darkness is the absence of light- a shroud but not its source. The wellspring of light is stored within infinite illumination of the self. ~ Mother Maya
May 7th Daily Meditation Moment
Few cross over the river. Most are stranded on this side. On the riverbank they run up and down. But the wise man, following the way, Crosses over, beyond the reach of death. He leaves the dark way For the way of light. ~ Buddha
March 31st Daily Meditation Moment
Come out into the broad light of day, come out from the little narrow paths, for how can the infinite soul rest content to live and die in small ruts? ~ Swami Vivekananda
July 28th Daily Meditation Moment
The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be. ~ Shakti Gawain
July 4th Daily Meditation Moment
Each time you find it difficult to interact with someone, think of what Baba said about the highest principle: it is light, it is love, and it is peace. At such moments, allow your own pure wisdom to shine forth. Instead of waiting for the other person to shower you with light, you step forward and be the light. Instead of waiting for the other person to reveal love to you, you step forward and be the embodiment of love…Allow your auspiciousness to permeate your world. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda