February 23rd Daily Meditation Moment

Watch your own thoughts….Only you hold the key to your thoughts…and your thoughts mold your life. Your happiness and your unhappiness, your good fortune and your misfortune, your patience and your impatience, all this depends on your own thoughts and feelings. You are in charge. You have the authority to keep your thoughts in check or let them run wild.…You are in charge. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

January 5th Daily Meditation Moment

The greatest saints are always the greatest disciples. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

December 23rd Daily Meditation Moment

Each time you find it difficult to interact with someone, think of what Baba said about the highest principle: it is light, it is love, and it is peace. At such moments, allow your own pure wisdom to shine forth. Instead of waiting for the other person to shower you with light, you step forward and be the light. Instead of waiting for the other person to reveal love to you, you step forward and be the embodiment of love…Allow your auspiciousness to permeate your world. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

November 24th Daily Meditation Moment

Watch your own thoughts….Only you hold the key to your thoughts…and your thoughts mold your life. Your happiness and your unhappiness, your good fortune and your misfortune, your patience and your impatience, all this depends on your own thoughts and feelings. You are in charge. You have the authority to keep your thoughts in check or let them run wild.…You are in charge. — Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

October 20th Daily Meditation Moment

When the scriptures and the sages tell us “dissolve your identification with the body and the mind,” they don’t mean give them up. How can we give up our bodies or our minds? After all, God gave these things to us. It’s just that we have to expand our awareness a little bit beyond what we are seeing and thinking. That is what gives us the experience of the Self, that is what gives us the experience of love, that is what takes us deeper and deeper inside. When you really see beyond all the senses, all the bodies, all the objects, what you discover is the one thing that is within all of this. And that is energy, it is love. And to feel that love, wherever we are, we contemplate and we meditate. ~Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

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