November 6th Daily Meditation Moment

The marvel of forgiveness is this: when we can completely forgive someone for the tantrum they threw this afternoon, loving them even a little more because we see they really need our support, we are at the same time beginning to forgive ourselves for every tantrum we have ever thrown at others.

Eknath Easwaran

October 2nd Daily Meditation Moment

Research evidence today suggests that emotional immunity to negative states of mind may well be linked to physical immunity, even resistance to disease. A person who is even minded, who doesn’t get shaken if people speak ill of him or excited when they praise her to the skies – such a person, I submit, is a poor host for disease. That kind of inner toughness creates a protective buffer of what one researcher, Suzanne Kobasa, calls “hardiness”: enhanced resistance to illness and the everyday stress of daily life.

Eknath Easwaran

September 30th Daily Meditation Moment

Our supreme purpose in life is not to make a fortune nor to purse pleasure, not to write our name on history but to discover this spark of the divine that is in our hearts.

Eknath Easwaran

August 16th Daily Meditation Moment

Meditation is the basis of a life of splendid health, untiring energy, unfailing love, and abiding wisdom. It is the foundation of that deep inner peace for which eery one of us longs. No human being can ever find lasting satisfaction in money or success or prestige or anything else the world can offer. What we are really searching for is not something that satisfies us temporarily, but a permanent state of joy.

~ Eknath Easwaran

July 23rd Daily Meditation Moment

Like a highway patrol car slowing down traffic, the mantra weaves in and out between thoughts, separating them wider and wider until finally they are so far apart that you can choose what to think next.

~Eknath Easwaran

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