May 30th Daily Meditation Moment

To know others, you do not have to go and knock on four billion separate doors. Once you have seen your real Self, you have seen the Self in all. It makes it easy to understand and to forgive, and very difficult to quarrel. All of life springs from the same root. The Self in each of us is one and the same. ~ Eknath Easwaran

May 7th Daily Meditation Moment

Somehow, in our modern civilization, we have acquired the idea that the mind is working best when it runs at top speed. Yet a racing mind lacks time even to finish a thought, let alone to check on its quality. When we slow down the mind, we work better at everything we do. Not only is the quality of our work better, we are actually able to get more done. — Ecknath Easwaran

April 26th Daily Meditation Moment

The supreme, radiant Being that dwells in our own consciousness cannot be attained by any amount of reasoning, for this Being is one and indivisible, beyond all duality. But by loving Him “with all our heart, and all our soul, and all our strength,” we can come to live in Him completely. When we learn to love Her more than we love ourselves, our consciousness is unified. ~ Eknath Easwaran

April 12th Daily Meditation Moment

Loving the Lord means loving the innermost Self in all those around us. We need only somehow to increase our capacity to love – because we do not live in what we think; we live in what we love. ~ Eknath Easwaran

March 25th Daily Meditation Moment

Every moment is unique and discrete. When our concentration is complete, we rest completely in the present. Then we do not live in time, we live in eternity. ~ Eknath Easwaran

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