Anger cannot be overcome by anger. If a person shows anger to you, and you show anger in return, the result is a disaster. In contrast, if you control your anger and show its opposite – love, compassion, tolerance, and patience – then not only will you remain in peace, but the anger of others also will gradually diminish. ~ Dalai Lama
January 2nd Daily Meditation Moment
January 2, 2025 by
Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. ~ Ambrose Bierce
January 15th Daily Meditation Moment
January 15, 2020 by
Our anger or annoyance are more detrimental to us than the things themselves which anger or annoy us. ~ Marcus Aurelius
December 30th Daily Meditation Moment
December 30, 2019 by
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned. ~ Buddha
September 27th Daily Meditation Moment
September 27, 2019 by
You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. ~ Buddha