November 18th Daily Meditation Moment

We all have a destiny, a dharma to fulfill and there are endless opportunities, people and circumstances that surface throughout our lives to illuminate our path. ~

Wayne Dyer

November 16th Daily Meditation Moment

You cannot remove wrong perception through punishment. You have to do it with the tools of deep and compassionate listening and loving speech. ~

Thich Nhat Hanh

November 15th Daily Meditation Moment

Your soul already knows the answer. You just have to be quiet enough to hear it, and brave enough to listen to it. ~

Stacie Martin

November 14th Daily Meditation Moment

If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence

we could rise up rooted, like trees. ~

Rainer Maria Rilke

November 13th Daily Meditation Moment

This very body that we have, that is sitting right here right now… with its aches and its pleasures… is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive. ~

Pema Chodron

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