How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. Wayne Dyer
February 2nd Daily Meditation Moment
February 2, 2023 by
Embrace silence since meditation is the only way to truly come to know your Source. ~ Wayne Dyer
January 23rd Daily Meditation Moment
January 23, 2023 by
A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others is stronger than any physical force in the universe. Wayne Dyer
January 9th Daily Meditation Moment
January 9, 2023 by
I know that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. ~ Wayne Dyer
December 22nd Daily Meditation Moment
December 22, 2022 by
Your limits are defined by the agreement you’ve made about what’s possible. Change that agreement and you can dissolve all limits. ~
Wayne Dyer