December 22nd Daily Meditation Moment

The Truth is the only thing you’ll ever run into that has no agenda. ~ Adyashanti

December 18th Daily Meditation Moment

Stress is the alarm clock that lets you know you’ve attached to something not true for you. ~ Byron Katie

November 19th Daily Meditation Moment

The truth is that you already are what you are seeking. ~ Adyashanti

August 8th Daily Meditation Moment

Is it true? Can I absolutely know that it’s true? How do I react when I think that thought? Who would I be without the thought. ~ Byron Katie

June 6th Daily Meditation Moment

Exposure to truth changes your life, whether that truth is about personal honesty and integrity or a divine revelation that organizes your place in the universe. This is why people run from the truth than move towards it. ~ Caroline Myss

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