February 15th Daily Meditation Moment

If thou shouldst say, “It is enough, I have reached perfection,” all is lost. For it is the function of perfection to make one know one’s imperfection.  ~ Saint Augustine

August 14th Daily Meditation Moment

Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood.~Kahlil Gibran

February 13th Daily Meditation Moment

Your basic nature is that of perfection. ~ Ron Smothermon

April 8th Daily Meditation Moment

God is without form, without quality as well as with form and quality. Watch and see with what endless variety of beautiful forms He plays the play of his maya with Himself alone. The lila of the all pervading One goes on and on in this way in infinite diversity. He is without beginning and without end. He is the whole and also the part. The whole and the part together make up real Perfection. ~ Anandamayi Ma

August 22nd Daily Meditation Moment

Perfection is not a prerequisite for anything but pain. ~ Tara Brach

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