Never, never, never will the intellect possess a monopoly over the heart… — Luigi Luzzatti
August 7th Daily Meditation Moment
Find the god in your own heart and you will understand by direct intuition what all the great teachers, real mystics, true philosophers and inspired men have been trying to tell you by the tortuous method of using worlds… — Paul Brunton
July 30th Daily Meditation Moment
Let your heart become so saturated with love that you are able to ride the waves of change with equipoise, and find new meaning in everything that happens. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
July 29th Daily Meditation Moment
You can choose to follow your heart always. ~ Miguel Ruiz
June 10th Daily Meditation Moment
A heart resolved on abiding in the pure space of the heart is continually refreshed and renewed by this deep intention. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda