February 4th Daily Meditation Moment

All of us carry a cleansing fire hidden inside. It may be banked with ashes, cold to the touch, but a spark of the divine is there nonetheless, ready to leap into life. It is nothing less than love of God. Latent in every one of us, it wants only encouragement before it flares to vibrant life, burning up everything selfish and impure. Once ignited and coaxed with the fuel of love for others, it sheds light and warmth all around. ~ Eknath Easwaran

November 23rd Daily Meditation Moment

The way we respond to small matters reflects the way we will respond to the larger matters of life. If we can begin to release ourselves from our little like and dislikes, we will find that we are gaining the capacity to weather emotional storms. Then we can begin to face whatever comes calmly and courageously. ~

Eknath Easwaran

August 10th Daily Meditation Moment

Happiness comes when the mind is at rest. ~ Eknath Easwaran

June 5th Daily Meditation Moment

To love is to be responsible in everything: the work we do, the things we buy, the food we eat, the people we look up to, the movies we see, the words we use, every choice we make from morning to night. That is the real measure of love; it is a wonderfully demanding responsibility. ~ Eknath Easwaran

April 21st Daily Meditation Moment

Our attention, then, is a most precious faculty. It matters greatly what we do with it, because whatever we place our attention on, be it good or ill, it is encouraged to flourish. ~ Eknath Easwaran

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