July 7th Daily Meditation Moment

Fate is how your life unfolds when you let fear determine your choices. A path of destiny reveals itself to you, however, when you confront your fear and make conscious choices. ~ Caroline Myss

June 6th Daily Meditation Moment

Exposure to truth changes your life, whether that truth is about personal honesty and integrity or a divine revelation that organizes your place in the universe. This is why people run from the truth than move towards it. ~ Caroline Myss

May 13th Daily Meditation Moment

Eternity does not mean everlasting time but a moment without time. ~ Caroline Myss

April 7th Daily Meditation Moment

As long as you remain present, everything you need is present with you. ~ Caroline Myss

March 7th Daily Meditation Moment

Achieving the impossible requires that you outwit your voice of reason and access the whimsical part of your nature that inherently delights in the possibilities of the imagination. ~ Caroline Myss

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