Happiness in the mode of goodness may in the beginning seem like poison, but at the end is just like nectar, for it is born out of the peace of self-realization. ~ Bhagavad Gita
January 2nd Daily Meditation Moment
January 2, 2019 by
The body is mortal, but the person dwelling in the body is immortal and immeasurable. ~ Bhagavad Gita
August 30th Daily Meditation Moment
August 30, 2018 by
These bodies are perishable, but the dwellers in the bodies are eternal, indestructible and impenetrable. ~ Bhagavad Gita
July 30th Daily Meditation Moment
July 30, 2018 by
The unreal has no being, the real never ceases to be. ~ Bhagavad Gita
June 21st Daily Meditation Moment
June 21, 2018 by
Meet this transient world with neither grasping nor fear, trust the unfolding of life and you will attain true serenity. ~ Bhagavad Gita