August 12th Daily Meditation Moment

Angry people want you to see how powerful they are. Loving people want you to see how powerful You are. ~ Chief Red Eagle

August 11th Daily Meditation Moment

I think sometimes we need to take a step back and just remember we have no greater right to be here than any other animal. ~

David Attenborough

August 10th Daily Meditation Moment

Happiness comes when the mind is at rest. ~ Eknath Easwaran

August 9th Daily Meditation Moment

Underneath the obsessive thoughts and plans, beneath the emotions, positive and negative, lies an ocean of peace. ~


August 8th Daily Meditation Moment

A child is born with an abundance mindset. That’s why when they’re young they ask for ponies, castles and fighter jets. Each human is prewired for success until they encounter the environment where adults say: “you can’t have it all”, or “if its too good to be true than it probably is”, or “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”. Then you reprogram that child for poverty, lack and a general fear of anything successful. ~

Jason Christoff

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