Joy is within. Meditate. ~ Swami Muktananda
January 4th Daily Meditation Moment
Silence is the root of awareness. Compassion and righteousness arise from silence. ~ Swami Muktananda
December 31st Daily Meditation Moment
Only when we see the greatness that exists within us can we see the greatness in others. ~ Swami Muktananda
May 18th Daily Meditation Moment
Your heart should be like the heart of a human being, not like a rock. It shouldn’t be dry and insipid with no love for others. Doesn’t a hard heart give pain to oneself? To see God in everyone is the sign of true humanity. ~ Swami Muktananda
February 21st Daily Meditation Moment
If you want happiness, see the equality that underlies this strange unequal world. If you want peace, do not accept inequality. Equality is heaven. Inequality is hell. ~ Swami Muktananda