December 9th Daily Meditation Moment

The world can only change from within. ~ Eckhart Tolle

November 23rd Daily Meditation Moment

Nothing out there will ever satisfy you except temporarily and superficially, but you may need to experience many disappointments before you realize that truth.

Eckhart Tolle

October 15th Daily Meditation Moment

I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the now. I am. ~ Eckhart Tolle

September 8th Daily Meditation Moment

How do you know this is the experience you need? Because, its the experience you’re having at this moment. ~ Eckhart Tolle

August 9th Daily Meditation Moment

Ego is no longer ego when you know there is ego.

~Eckhart Tolle

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