February 11th Daily Meditation Moment

To believe in an invisible order, a divine or implicate order, as quantum physics calls it, or the order beneath the disorder that chaos theory describes, is a healthier, more interesting choice than seeing no meaning in life whatsoever. ~ Caroline Myss

September 3rd Daily Meditation Moment

Spirit is the part of you that feels like hope. ~ Caroline Myss

August 20th Daily Meditation Moment

Grace is a power that comes in and transforms a moment into something better. ~ Caroline Myss

July 2nd Daily Meditation Moment

Act on your inner guidance and give up your need for proof that your inner guidance is authentic. The more you ask for proof, the less likely you are to receive any. ~ Caroline Myss

June 11th Daily Meditation Moment

Fear of not having enough reveals a lack of faith in our purpose and in the invisible poser that surrounds and supports us. ~ Caroline Myss

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