Shed dysfunctional patterns, activate your untapped potential and restore your natural alignment.

Intuitive Healing Process helps restore you to your natural alignment where all the multi-dimensions of your being line up. This lining up eases physical, mental, egoic, emotional and spiritual issues.

Testimonials & Experiences

Ann has been a tremendous support, helped me align with the energy changes the last 6 months.Her ability to see the core blocks is amazing.

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February 23rd Daily Meditation Moment

Watch your own thoughts….Only you hold the key to your thoughts…and your thoughts mold your life. Your happiness and your unhappiness, your good fortune and your misfortune, your patience and your impatience, all this depends on your own thoughts and feelings. You are in charge. You have the authority to keep your thoughts in check or let them run wild.…You are in charge. ~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

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October 5, 2023

We are changing scheduling software on 10/15/2023. The links above go to the new software system.

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